Friday, April 18, 2008

Study Abroad

This summer I'm travelling with the University Singers to Germany. There are all these things that we have to get done and all these forms and whatnot that we have to turn in before we can go. Today there was this general study abroad meeting that we were required to go to. I didn't know the meeting was today until my friend reminded me. I get there at 2 and find out it's supposed to last until 5! I was like are you fucking kidding me?! I have the first performance of my opera tonight, I haven't eaten, and I had all my blogs to write. There was no way I was staying until 5. They showed us this ridiculous movie about things to be careful about in foreign countries. It seemed like it was trying to scare us out of going more than it was trying to help us. It was telling us things like wear condoms because STD's over there are bad, and things like don't do heroin because they'll be more strict and you'll have to stay in jail there. They showed us people dying in car accidents in rivers. I was like seriously? Out of all the helpful things they could be telling us, this is what they chose to show us? It was the worst movie ever and it was made in like the early 90's so everyone looked really stupid. I was so bored. My friend had to leave at 3:30 to go to work, so I took the opportunity to get out of there. There was no way I was about to sit there for another hour and a half listening to all that crap that you can figure out by using common sense. I'm going to Germany, not some third world country where I need to learn how to boil the water before I drink it! Give me a break!


. said...

Haha, does that imply that it’s cool to not use condoms and to use heroin here? That’s awesome. I’m so jealous, though, I’d love to travel somewhere like Germany. I have a friend who’s been over there working since last summer; she has a shitty job at a resort there, but she would have had a shitty job if she’d stayed here, so at least she’s having fun and getting to see interesting things. Anyways, good luck with your opera, and hope you have a good time this summer!

Daniel Hernandez said...

omg i love germany i lived their for four years im so jaluse that you get to go. but yeah people in the early 90's did look stupid. thank good the spice girls came around and helped us get out of that stage. lol. but yeah be safe over the summer and while your in germany go to amsterdamn and have a good time and think of me. lol.