Friday, April 11, 2008

Nearing an end

So our freshman year of college is almost over. I've learned a lot these past two semesters. But I'm definitely glad it's almost over. I've learned a lot about myself and I've also realized there are a lot of things I don't know about myself. In high school I wasn't much of a studious student. Things came pretty easy to me and I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty lazy and took really easy classes. College had a lot more in store for me. I realized that I actually have homework that I actually have to do. And although I procrastinate and sometimes half-ass things, I always do my homework.

College has shown me that I don't always know everything. I've always had everything planned out and just this year, so many curve balls have been thrown my way and shown me that things will change without notice and I just kind of have to go with the flow. I have already decided that I'm not going to do the major I came into college with. I don't know exactly what I'm going to change it to, but I know what I'm not doing. I think I need to work on my attitude towards school and my work ethics because I've realized they aren't that great. I'm just not very motivated and I think it's because I haven't found that thing I super passionate about yet. Once I find it, I think it'll be a lot easier for me to be dedicated. Another problem I have is that I'm easily distracted. I just need to focus and get my work done.

I'm looking forward to what my future holds in store for me and I'm definitely glad this year is coming to an end. I have about two weeks left and while they will be the two most hectic weeks ever, I'm glad it's almost over!


Unknown said...

wow thats how I feel. thats like the common consensus now. Well, I wonder how our sophomore year will be like

Brooxie said...

Omg, I can not believe that our freshman year of college is almost over! It has gone by so fast. I do agree that I have learned so much not just school wise but also about myself, friends, and life in general. I am so excited about the summer but I am also ready for the next few years.