Friday, April 18, 2008

Last blog

so last semester I wrote a blog entitled "Last blog". Little did I know it was not my last blog. But finally, unless Wendy ends up teaching oral comm and I somehow end up in her class and she makes us write blogs again, finally this is my last blog! And I am so proud of myself for keeping up with the blogs this time. I may not have written a blog every day, but every Friday there were 5 posts of my blog. I didn't have to do any catching up this time. I better have 100% for my blogs.

This year went by fairly quickly. And it was full of fun, excitement, tears, and plenty of drunken nights that I don't remember. But I have learned a lot. Maybe not a lot as far as school is concerned because I'm really not feeling it too much. But I've learned a lot about myself, and some of it I can't say I'm too happy about. But nonetheless I've learned a lot about who I am. I've realized I may not know as much as I thought I did and it may be awhile before I completely know who I am. I'm realizing that this whole college thing is a lot of work and it's not just fun. And I haven't quite decided if it's really my thing or not. Anyways, I've learned a lot this semester from everyone around me and I'm glad that the year is over, but I hope the connections I've made are not over. (Definitely glad the blogs are over though!)

"this is my wife. and her. and her. and her..."

So there was this raid at a polygamy colony out in Texas. It's been all over the news this week. After a 16 year old called in to a help-hotline saying she was raped, police raided the polygamist colony and took cutody of over 400 children. Right now there is a huge custody battle going on about what's going to happen to the children. Many of the girls as young as 14 and 15 were being forced into marriages with men as old as 50. These colonies are like cults. Men are in power and they often have numerous wives. Why anyone would allow themselves to stay in this situation is beyond me. This isn't the only colony. This kind of thing happens all over the place.

I watched a show on TLC about a polygamist man who had three wives. It wasn't a religious cult or colony, just a man with three wives. And they were all ok with it! It is absolutely astounding that a woman would demean herself by letting her husband marry other women. They all lived together and he would sleep with a different one each night. Hoe fucked up is that? And when you add kids into the equation, you are setting them up to have fucked up morals and views. It's not fair for children to have to grow up that way. No child should be taught that that kind of lifestyle is acceptable. Because it absolutely isn't. It's just so hard to imagine ever being a part of something like that, much less being ok with living like that. It just baffles me.


So all this week my status on Facebook has included the phrase "fuck it." Everyone keeps asking me why I'm so angry. Wendy asked me in class yesterday what was wrong. Nothing's wrong, I'm not angry. It's just my new philosophy on life. I'm tired of stressing out about stupid shit. I hate school. I hate drama. So instead of worrying abotu anything or getting worked up, I just say FUCK IT. Then I can relax and enjoy my life. If I have a big test and I know I don't really know the material. Why try to study? I'm not going to learn anything new. So fuck it. If I'm talking to a new guy and he doesn't call me....fuck it. I don't need him anyways. Obviously if he hasn't called me he's an idiot, so I'm not gonna stress out about that shit. FUCK IT. When I'm at work and I have some gay customer that's being a bitch, fuck it. They're probably not going to leave me a good tip anyways, so just fuck it.

I've realized that if you don't stress out about so many things, you're life is generally better and you are a happier person all around. I like being laid-back and not having to worry about shit. I still have things to do and I still have to take care of my responsibilities, but if it's not a big deal or if something is just eating away at you, say FUCK IT. Throw it to the side and don't even worry about it. I'm happier already!

I'm over it

I'm really sick of all this rain. It's been so nice out the past couple of weeks with the exception of the rainy days. I don't have an umbrella, I don't have rain boots, I hate fucking rain. Today I got a shower and got dressed, dryed my hair and straightened it. Then I walked outside and got soaked. My hair was all curly, now I'm going to have to re-straighten it. I was wearing a skirt because I hate it when I wear jeans and it's rainging because I hate walking around with the bottom of my jeans wet, but since I was wearing a skirt with flip flops, my legs and feet were all wet. And it's not even warm and raining. It's freaking windy and cold. So I got soaking wet and then had to go sit in this meeting where they acted like it was Africa or something and had the air on full blast. So here I am in a white t-shirt, a short skirt, and flip flops, WET, and freezing. Needless to say I was pretty pissed off. I don't like being whiny and complainy but I just feel like bitching because I hate rain. Maybe if it was warm and I didn't have anything to do and I didn't care about what I was wearing...maybe then I wouldn;t care if it was raining. But I had just done my hair!!! come on!! And the other day I was at the mall and was about to buy some rain boots but then I spent $130 at Forever 21 and told myself I didn't need to buy anything else, so I decided against the rainboots. But obviously that was stupid because I needed them today. Whatever. I'm over this rain. It better not rain tomorrow.

Study Abroad

This summer I'm travelling with the University Singers to Germany. There are all these things that we have to get done and all these forms and whatnot that we have to turn in before we can go. Today there was this general study abroad meeting that we were required to go to. I didn't know the meeting was today until my friend reminded me. I get there at 2 and find out it's supposed to last until 5! I was like are you fucking kidding me?! I have the first performance of my opera tonight, I haven't eaten, and I had all my blogs to write. There was no way I was staying until 5. They showed us this ridiculous movie about things to be careful about in foreign countries. It seemed like it was trying to scare us out of going more than it was trying to help us. It was telling us things like wear condoms because STD's over there are bad, and things like don't do heroin because they'll be more strict and you'll have to stay in jail there. They showed us people dying in car accidents in rivers. I was like seriously? Out of all the helpful things they could be telling us, this is what they chose to show us? It was the worst movie ever and it was made in like the early 90's so everyone looked really stupid. I was so bored. My friend had to leave at 3:30 to go to work, so I took the opportunity to get out of there. There was no way I was about to sit there for another hour and a half listening to all that crap that you can figure out by using common sense. I'm going to Germany, not some third world country where I need to learn how to boil the water before I drink it! Give me a break!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Summer job

So I've got this pretty awesome job down at Young Avenue Deli. In case you've never been there, it's this restaurant/bar down at Cooper Young. It's got really good food and a fun midtown atmosphere. And it's only about 5 minutes down the street. The only problem is, this summer I'll be staying out in Cordova at my parents house and it's a long drive from there. I only work two nights a work: Thursday and Sunday. Unless I pick up other peoples' shifts. So driving out to midtown two nights a week during the summer won't be too bad. But I was thinking of getting a second job closer to my house just for the summer. I used to work at Red Robin in collierville and I thought about working there again just during the summer. But after thinking about it, I don't think I really want to do that. My job now is so laid back and there aren't any stupid rules that I have to follow. I don't have a really gay uniform or anything. So I've just gotten so used to that, that I don't really want to go back to such a strict job. And also, I didn't make as much money at Red Robin, and there was a lot of bullshit that I had to deal with.

I know I'll probly get bored during the summer and a lot of my friends do live out here in midtown, so I could just pick up more shifts and work out here. But with gas being like 10 dollars a gallon it just seems so ridiculous to drive so far away everyday. Oh well, I know I'll probably end up doing that, so whatever. It was just something I was thinking about. Maybe I'll find some cool bar in Cordova to pick some shifts up at. Who knows.

Where are you repairmen?

All this week we've had repairmen working on our shower. When we first moved in to Richardson Towers in the fall, there was a fairly bad leak on our carpet coming from under the bathroom door. Well it's been fixed twice already and it came back about a week ago. This time they actually fixed it. There were some tiles around the faucet in the shower that were so fragile, if they were touched the would have fallen off. So water has been leaking behind it and soaking our floor. Last week it was so bad, our room smelled like mildew and there was a puddle in our carpet. It slushed when we walked on it. I couldn't bare to stay in the room for longer than an hour unless I was asleep because the stench was so strong. We used up two cans or air freshner in a week.

Well two days ago the repairment started working on it. We got a key to a room down the hall to take our showers in. The first day they knocked out the old tile and replaced it. Then yesterday they came and grouted the wall. Both days they came early in the morning. They said by today we would be able to use it but first they had to come and put the handles and faucet back on. But where are they? I figured they would have shown up sometime while I was getting ready for class this morning because that's what they've done the past two days. But they still haven't been here. And I'm sure they won't be coming after 5 since that's about the time to go home. And then I bet they don't work on the I hope they show up in the next couple hours because I don't want to have to shower down the hall anymore. It's like having communal bathrooms. So repairmen, you need to hurry up!